100% genuine australian merino sheepskin rugs
Welcome to gLAMBskins. The highest quality merino sheep skins on the market. Our gLAMBskins are an all natural product coming from happy and content animals that are free range and well cared for. They are super soft and bright white in colour. Ben, Cheryl and their children Ava and Jimmy run Glendemar Farm where the gLAMBskins are created. Our creations come from the Wimmera District of Victoria. Mornings are spent gazing at the Pyrenees Ranges and Mount Bolangum. Our family is committed to sustainable and ethical management of our land and animals. We are proud that we don’t mulse and give our stock the best feed and natural grasses.
Keep a look out for the gLAMBskin tent at your local markets, you just never know where we may be in our 'pop up shop'.
If you would like to order or find out more about our 100% geniune Australian Merino Sheepskin rugs please contact us.